Save takes longer in Drive E: than C:

Hello, everyone. I just wanted to make sure this isn’t a faulty Hard Drive and maybe a Blender thing.

I’m pretty tired (Been a long day Lol) but I have already repaired this drive and received no errors or anything like that. In E: it takes longer to save. I’ve noticed over 30 seconds. Yet, in C:, it’s instant. Is this supposed to happen?

Tried looking online about this so I don’t waste anyone’s time but couldn’t find anything that closely resemblance my issue.

Also, sorry if I’m in the wrong section. I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be in Technical Support but I could be wrong.

Are the drives identical models from the same year, batch of silicon, factory, and process? Are they plugged into identical cables from the same year, factory, and process?

If not, that’s drives for you. I’d yes, could be Blender

Do you use the same SSD?
With SSDs and HDDs, transfer speeds are different.

Try a diagnostic tool that can verify HDD/SSD performance.

If you see different performance on the same hardware, you’re using the problematic hardware, or the cable.

Drives could be “connected” via different channels using different speed… it’s not only: plug it into any connector there is…

Also: different types of drives… sometimes the ratio of free to possible capacity does effect the transfer time…

So many possibilities… and blender does not care where to store but simple uses the operation system functions (espacially file system operations ) to do so…

@oo_1942 @Okidoki

I’ve never added any drives. But I did notice that it’s slow to transfer over to the other drives. I had to do it manually to save my stuff. Took me only 5-10 minutes. Try doing it all at once, it tried telling me it’s going to be over an hour. So, I think it’s bad now. Will probably have to replace it as it never done this before.

I’m sorry if I wasted everyone’s time. Was only looking at Blender’s side of things. I’ve already “repaired” it through the property>tools. Still had the same issue.

I will continue to look into this more and some of you have told me things I’ve never thought to look into before. Thank you all for taking the time and for your help!

If you have a problem with your storage, it is important to resolve it quickly. :slightly_smiling_face:
If there is a problem with the hardware itself, you may lose all your data.

What else can I check

  1. Check for firmware updates on the storage device.

  2. Verify that write caching of hardware settings is disabled


If that’s SSD then saving then symptoms of dying is issues with saving files, while reads are fine.

Or is it amlost full (like over 95%)

Download some hard drive benchmark software and test speeds: