SaveLoader 2.7

Sorry, after looking closely at your demo I realized that this was already the case and that I probably should have looked at the demo before asking questions. yeah, that was a stupid questions. Sorry for wasting your time, and thanks for making this AWESOME resource.

Having no luck with blender 2.7a what are your thoughts monster?

i like the saveload.blend it,s cool but what i am searching for is a save load that load the scene that i made save from and position prop and other things just by clicking load from a menu scene can you make that true

I saw it a little bit late … yes it is included. Just look what the logic of the SaveLoad.manual is … there is no problem in using a mouse sensor, message senor or whatever ;).

This is an amazing script and I can tell an enormous amount of time was spent working on it. Good job and thank you for all the hard work you put into it.

I was wondering, because its easier for some people to learn from hands on experience rather then reading, would you be able to make a blend file that saves two different files stored locally? nothing fancy just something like the 1 key will save a file called save2 and the 2 key will load that file while the S key saves a file called save1 and the L key loads that one? For me its so much easier to understand how something works when I can pull it apart or see it in motion rather then seeing possibilities if settings are different. Thank you very much and sorry if this is a waste of time o:

I can understand you.

The overall idea is not to save to different files, but to store to different containers which all are saved to a single file.

This allows you to manage different sets of “save points” without fiddling with files.

Nevertheless it is no big deal to use different files for saving and loading. Obviously the Save/Load actuators do not support that yet. But SaveLoader.saveToFile and SaveLoader.loadFromFile can be configured via property “saveLoad.filename”.

Due to the nature of the BGE you would either need a different object to configure a different filename, or change the property value on the fly.

Let me see if I can create an appropriate demonstration file…

5 stars , nice work sir.

Wow, this is exactly what I was searching for, it helps a lot :smiley: