Say something about the person above you.

The person above me just mentioned something that I have not heard of…

To Evil Moon MOose, you have also misunderstood me, I was simply trying to say the same thing to FreeMind.

The person above me joined the same time I did and has way more posts than me.

EDIT: N00b@blender beat me to posting. lol I was 2 minutes off…

The person above me is right i apologize xD

I’m working for the person above me.

The person above me lives in the same country and state as me :slight_smile: Wonderful California :wink:

The person above me lives in a warm climate. I live in the polar regions, otherwise known as Minnesota.

To Sonic14. Sorry about that. I just hate it when that happens to me… :smiley:

Person above me probably lives somewhere cold like me.

The person above me lives in an igloo as well.

Person above me is wrong and is checking this thread almost constantly.

haha, the person above me lives in an igloo in Minnesota.

ಠ_ಠ the people above me now realize i am giving them the look of disaproval, threads like these are meant to pass the time while you render, are you all rendering at the same moment???
if not, make something and then come back! Then you up your skills and you up your game ;D

To the person sbove me: Hello fellow Californian! :smiley:

the person above me is really slow…

Evil Moon Moose, I am rendering… And it is taking forever to raytrace. So I have a valid excuse to be sitting here, turning this forum into a chat session…:evilgrin:

the person above me posted something that does not make sense to me :confused:

EDIT: I too am rendering :smiley:

ಥ_ಥ that is officially amazing :smiley:
the person above me is making good use of his extra time

The person above me should add more to his portfolio :slight_smile:

I am am I?

The person above me has a palm tree for a sig.

The person above me is incorrect…i have a palm tree for my avatar :wink:

I disagree that the person above me is slow.

Edit: Same minute… ARGH!!

New Post:

The person above me just accepted a friend request, that I sent because I got a kick out of his igloo comment.