SC-1: Cosmic Beyond

This is my first Space / Sci-Fi render, created entirely in Blender. It’s also my first time using Blender’s compositing tools.

Final Render (PS):

Blender Compositing Render:

Raw Render:

Comparison between Raw Render and Blender Compositing Render:

The compositing process in Blender was almost 50% of the work, the technique was to primarily use multiple Glare Nodes to add bloom and enhance the volumetrics in the scene, to do that I had to manipulate the Input and the output of the glare nodes with HSV and Exposure nodes and Mix them together.

Screenshot of the compositing node graph setup in Blender:

I used an emission-based atmosphere material for the planet’s atmosphere with two additional layers:

I made a simple Voronoi Texture node setup for the background and then I duplicated it multiple times with different colors and scale values:


I was mostly experimenting with Blender in this project, especially in the compositing process, and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. This project taught me a lot about the capabilities of Blender. It also showed me the importance of compositing.

Here are some more renders:

Text Overlays:

16 by 9:

Background Render:

Check out my Instagram account:

If you have any tips, feedback, or questions, feel free to share them. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Blender 4.1, rendered using Cycles render engine.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thank you!

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Hi, how big have you made the Planet?

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That’s a good question. The planet is only 2 meters in size. I used the default cube for the planet, and I found that using a smaller scale gave better results. it’s also easier to manage volumetrics at that scale.

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I’ve updated the breakdown image to include the size of each layer