Scale Armature with IK Applied

I’m having a problem scaling my armature. All the poses and actions are set up and look fine, I just need everything scaled down by 50%. I enter edit mode on the armature and scale it around the 3d cursor by 0.5, but this messes up any bones with IK, (see pictures.) Is there any way to scale the armature without messing up my poses?

Original Size:

Scaled by 50%, the armature isn’t relaxed enough:

Try scaling the armature in object mode to resize it (you may also need to scale the mesh if it is not parented to the armature).

Yeah, scaling in object mode works fine. It’s just when I apply the scaling that the problem comes. Unfortunately, I really need to be able to apply it so that I can link the armature to other files. My guess is that it’s some value on the IK that’s not scaling, but I don’t know what it could be.

Nevermind, I figured out how to get by without applying it. Thanks for the help though.