Beginner question here. I have the following
And want to extrude and scale the selected loop, resulting in
Really though I’d like each edge to scale out along its normal, which I achieve by extruding each edge individually, translating, the merging vertices so I get something like
Is there a way I can do this without doing each edge individually? I have tried setting transformation orientation to normal, and also messed with the pivot point but get no different results when scaling the entire loop.
I’m trying to make a circular stadium shape, any advice/help would be much appreciated!
will this gives exact equi distance for all segments
that was a major problem for the coliseums in Rome !
vaguely remember that the outer edge has an exact math solution which requires like 120 parameters !
so not a simple math solution!
happy bl
Hi, thanks for the replies. Alt+S does nothing different to just S for me…?
I have installed the plugin, and it does create an edgeloop that is how I want it to be, but I cannot make that edgeloop far enough away? The edge loop it creates is close to my first loop, and so to move it out and make it like in my images, I would have to scale it, causing the same problem. Am I missing something?
EDIT: thanks, it appears to be working, I had to do it all in a certain order.
just add it with edge script then select out edges and scale it to whatever you want !
happy bl