I am curious if somebody might be interested in a scale rotate move modifier.
I cannot imagine this being very difficult but it can be very helpful for certain areas.
Sadly I cannot …
I am curious if somebody might be interested in a scale rotate move modifier.
I cannot imagine this being very difficult but it can be very helpful for certain areas.
Sadly I cannot …
I’d second that!
It would be great if the object could be left static with the modifier having the rotation, scale info. This way if you need to edit or continue modeling you could disable the modifer so you’re back to the proper xyz axis.
Regarding this issue, I discovered a great tip that’s helpful for modifying a model that’s already part of an animation or simply in a bizarre position:
When you initially create the object (before positioning) just make an instance (alt+d/option+d) and keep it outside of the camera view. If you need to modify or texture later just do it on the instance. This can also be helpful to animate a low poly object for previz before finishing the higher poly version.
why not just switch to local co-ordinates?
It’d be a simple thing to write, but the hard bit would be the GUI for moving rotating and scaling…
you really wouldn’t want to do that in teh modifier panel…
Why do you want it cek?
i van’t see the point of it (yet)
use constraints or use IPO-s
Really, i can’t think a single use for a modifier like that… Can elaborate?
there are multiple applications for it.
of course in some area it might overlap with hand made jobs
but then why do we use the modifiers? we use them for the interactive
experience. you can turn things on or off with a mouse click.
with the transform property panel I would need to get into each xyz field and
change the values.
you could try the local grid addon?
Or, you could set a key frame for the object at its default location (eg at frame 100) and then every time you want to work on the model, move to that frame. Once you are done you could delete the key.
IPOs in a modeling flow dont really work.
listen imagine you have one set of objects and you need to make a version which is somewhat bigger.
but in the planing you want to have the ability via a modifier to adjust the scaling or scaling center.
This is less about what you can do but how you approach this. A modifier will have certains benefit here.
I could write such a modifier with a bit of pay. I reckon scale and rotate should be added to the “Simple deform” modifier then. I don’t see why that should be not accepted for trunk even.
I may be wrong, but I think 3ds max has those (rotate, scale, move) included in the modifiers stack.
I was actually following a tutorial using a non-Blender app. This is actually useful when posing the model for rendering, which requires the parts to lose their original x,y, z orientation. Going back to tweak the model would be difficult as they are no longer in their original axes.
So anyway, let’s start with a simple yellow plane that changes to blue across its space with no visible transitions while following the color wheel. Easy right?
wouldn’t you just be doing exactly that in the modifier panel rather than the “n” panel?
if you wanted interactive scale/rotate/transform i guess you’d have to use an empty to drive those values…
hmm, wait… that’s already implemented as constraints… (as Endi said)
If I am modeling a mesh that is already animated, I just go to an unused layer so I have a clear workspace. Then I create a cube and then link that Cube’s mesh to the mesh I want to edit. Now I have an alternate object that I can model and twist around, anyway I want, and it will not affect my already animated object.
You don’t need a modifier, just use a cross linked alternate object.
Wasnt there a transform modifier from campbell? :yes::yes:
i can swear where i saw pictures of it. But it was not integrated in blender
I don’t see what it can do better than a hook modifier.
Sure this can be done but like has already been stated it’s about flexibility (just like adding empties, moving to hidden layers etc). First of all when the modifier is disabled and the object is back to the original axis: you don’t need to switch between local and global axis, these operations can be done without the use of the widget (keyboard shortcuts only with snapping to axis), and it’s easier to change the viewport for a straight on view (1,7,3 etc.)
I also agree that this functionality would be well placed along with the “basic transform” modifier… I was actually surprised that it wasn’t already there.
I don’t see what it can do better than a hook modifier.
the hook modifier doesn’t include rotation as far as I can tell.
The hook modifier parent a selection of vertices to another object (empty or whatever). Rotate parent, it rotate selection.
I tried that on my end and it doesn’t transform for me.
Default cube
then I add an empty.
Add a hook modifier to the Cube (empty is the object) and when I rotate the empty it doesn’t move… am I doing something wrong?
edit: it works when I’m in edit mode and then ctrl+h to add hook to new object but not when I do it as I first explained… huh?
I’ve used the hook modifier for animating curves with hooks, but never for this… great tip:)
edit #2: This seems to be useful if the geometry is finished but not useful if you add geometry… for example when I continue modeling the original object and add extrudes etc. they do not move along with the empty, they stay in place where the where created. weird?
The best workaround for me is really the instance (alt/option + d) and then move it off camera or to another layer… again this could be avoided with this modifier.
I thought you were joking about the constraints… ha ha.
It works really well actually!
create initial object,
add empty at same object center,
add constraint “copy transforms” (to initial object) and select “empty” as Target - object (keep defaults) and voila.
For simple editing you can just go to “edit mode” and modify in place, or for more involved modeling that would be easier with default axis just uncheck the “eye” icon in the constraint modifier.
thanks! this keeps scenes cleaner since you don’t have to duplicate items.