Scale vertices around cursor or origin?

I’m trying to scale an edge loop, which is half of a circle, around what would be the center of the circle, which is also the world orgin. There is a Mirror modifier on the object and I have the transformaion origin set to Cursor.

When I scale the half ring of vertices, it always scales around the local center of the vertices, but does anyone know how I can scale around the cursor or origin point of the object? Thank you!

I think what you’re looking for is the Shrink/Fatten operator, which you can use with Alt S


Thanks it! :smiley: Thank you, Joseph!

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Interesting… never thought of Shringk/Fatten… to answer the original question :wink:… switch the pivot point via menu or .:

It’s seems to be that my fingers are already switching using .6 or .8 before my consciousness me is viewing in the direction of the menu… :crazy_face:

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