Scale Voronoi pattern in geometry nodes

Hi! I’m using a Voronoi node in GN to place instances on a disc. I’d like to scale the Voronoi pattern. Right now, I can only do that by increasing the subdivisions on the object that carries the GN. I think I need the equivalent of the mapping shader node, but for GN. How do I do that? I feel like the Voronoi node needs a vector input, but I don’t know what.

(Adding my test files as well)
test noise clone distro.blend (172.3 KB)

You can tweak the input vector or the scale of the voronoi texture node. In your current setup it seems decoupled cause the grid resolution is so low that you dont sample at a scale that is able to resemble the voronoi pattern itself its rather the typical vertex color facette.


Brilliant, thanks! I was close, but needed the extra push from @Debuk :slight_smile: Love this community!

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You could also try deleting points after distribution for more accurate results and you won’t need any resolution on the circle mesh for it to work


Thats’ a great trick, thanks! I’ll save it under “clean instance clumping” in my folder of GN tricks.

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Yeah good tip. Just thought I better mention for @Sworly that even if it sounds like that in my description I didnt increase the mesh resolution there, I just modified the voronoi texture scale to be in the ballpark of the mesh res. But (temporarily) increasing it may indeed be needed to sample the voronoi less “zoomed in” sufficiently.

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Found a quick way to invert the Voronoi pattern, to generates the inverse area for other plants to grow. It’s basically a boolean that drives the Map Range node. This allows me to use 1 nodegroup with a Voronoi inside to distribute several plant species on a terrain. I’m tweaking Voronoi scale, translation (add X and Y to Voronoi input vector) and smoothness to create a bit of variation. For instance: nettles grow in the brown grass patches but not in the green ones. No weight painting.