checking out Blender at the moment and I try to emulate techniques I use in C4D.
One rig I have is I use a circle, constrain an object to it and set a target for the pinned object with another constrain. That works fine.
Now I start animating the scale of the circle and its rotation seperately and the object follows the circle spline position just fine while aiming at the target.
But as soon as I animate the scaling of the circle it automatically rotates the circle as well back to its default position. Why is that? Can I prevent it? I keyed in object mode.I just want to move the points of the circle towards the center point from their current position.
I have a file but I cannot upload because I am new it says.
Here a screenshot. The circle is animated and the cube pinned to it. As soo as I scle it down the circle rotates back to default position or jumps around which rsults in a whobbly animation
Hi Chris, i am too using c4d as well as blender. you could use; to link your file here.
I am not sure if this is what you are after?:circle scale.blend (585.0 KB)