So after making my scene with animation I’ve discovered that my scene is very small and that I need it bigger if I want some particles to look/render right. I’ve tried several different methods of scaling the entire scene. When using a empty and with most other methods when I start to play the animation my character starts to move but then part of his face is left behind because of how my rig is made, it also sometimes moves some of the objects in the scene. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
If you scaled your objects in Object Mode this will happen, simply apply the scales and any rotations to the objects, including the armature in Object mode by selecting all objects and then key CTRL+A and select “Rotation and Scale”.
You should do all edits in Edit Mode, this includes any scaling or rotating of any object be it mesh or armature.
Cheers, Clock.
Thanks for the reply, I was doing it all in object mode, will try this when I get a chance