SCARA robot

This is a short video made for presentation of school project. It was done in last minute so things are a bit off…
Modeling: SolidWorks
Riging Animation Rendering: Blender
Postpro: AE
Music: DJ Shadow - Building steam with a grain of salt (Nit Grit remix)

C & C are welcome…


I don’t know about comments, but I don’t think you will get many criticisms ( except for using that “other” modelling program :no:)

That “other” modeling program was actualy used by my colleagues in order to build robot :slight_smile:

I don’t know about comments, but I don’t think you will get many criticisms ( except for using that “other” modelling program )

Solid Works is not just a modeling-program…

BAck to topic:

Impressive work! :smiley:

I would like to point out that Solid Works is a fantastic program when it comes to making hyper-accurate representations of Physical objects and mechanical systems. One of the most highly recommended for “real” systems.

In my opinion he definitely made the right choice when it came to the modelling program. The same accuracy simply cannot be achieved in Blender, at least not without significantly more effort.

Must say though, I find Blender easier to use, but I haven’t practiced with Solid Works very much (I am getting into it, but trying to Learn MatLab, SolidWorks, zBrush and AutoCAD all at the same time is quite a workload :wink: )

Very nice work, although the cut into the plate could have been improved by using animated Booleans (REALLY slow in viewport, but make some truly amazing results, especially with Carve having been implemented)

Thanks all!!!

In my opinion SolidWorks is most comfortable for modeling compared to other CAD/CAM/CAE stuff like CATIA, ProE, Inventor… (of course this is almost never important when choosing this type of program).
I simply imported STL and added a Edge split but it would require serious work to make a decent mesh (Remesh didn’t help much in this case…). Can’t wait for new booleans :smiley:
Cutting was done with dynamic paint with literary no testing, cause there was not enough time… will make it better next time :slight_smile: