.scatpack / Biome / Geo Scatter

I have made a few notes on my progress for installing what’s needed. The YouTube video was rather confusing. I couldn’t pop it out to full size. It dealt with installation of 2 types of download at the same time and then went onto scatpacks. I only came to Blender yesterday from basic Sketchup and Revit modelling. Here is what I understand so far, some are definitions for my own understanding. I notice software developers seem to hijack commonly used words without explaining what they now mean and then talk these words as though they are commonly known in their new context - please put me right about anything :sunny:

Geo-Scatter - The company
Biome - a pre-made environment, which can be “scattered” across a plane, another name for an asset library
Biome reader - reads the Biome / asset library and can scatter its content
Plant Library by bd3d - This is a Biome / Asset Library.
Spring Grass Collection by 3D Shaker - This is a Biome included in “Plant Library”, so no need to download it if I already have “Plant Library”
.scatter - a vital file without which scattering of assets won’t work. A file I don’t seem to have.
.rar - the downloaded unextracted biome asset library file which needs placing in your preferred library file location for extraction there (mine is C/documents).
geoscatter_plantlibrary.blend - a blender file with 3d elements laid out.
cycles and eevee - some render methods / engines – note some libraries only work with these
octane - a render method which may not be compatible with everything
Edit > Preferences > Add-ons - This is where “Biome-Reader” is found and has a tick box which I think means it is enabled
Asset Browser - I see bushes, debris, dryland, flowers, grasses, lawn, etc. I can drag and drop these onto the scene but they come in in a funny place and I can’t move them – no x y z / blue green axes are offered on selection, unlike the “Cube”.

It would be good if someone could make separate clear Youtube fullscreen clips with visible drop-down text, to download and install these things sepearately. And a separate one about the .scatter, what it is, where is it and how to etc…

I can’t wait to get it working and make some nice gardens
Thank you it looks brilliant!

Thank you for your note. Made me go look.

In my download link, there is a file called a quck start guide. I decided to read it and found your and my answer.
Have a read.

Hmm… Welcome :tada:

TBH your post is a bit confusing too… if you want the company/developer to improve their docu… then you should tell them… !?

If you mean the video on the docu page:

…yes… this is embbeded… but also:


…just by hovering over the full size button to *"Find out more (red :red_circle: ). . or simple click “Watch on YouTube” (green :green_circle: )…

So i might mention here “someone” ( @BD3D ?? :wink: )