Scatter Modular Houses Geo-Nodes or Geo-Scatter

Hi. I need to recreate a model of a town in a crafty way.
I created a few modular parcels with residences to stack them differently and expand the “residence” area organically with three different models.

I have the add-on Geo-Scatter, but I am not well-versed" with Geometry Nodes.

I want a setup that allows me to grow with an emitter mesh and scatter the three models, always fitting each other vertexes, but rotating randomly, for example.

Is this possible and relatively easy to follow if one of you has the solution?

I have attached the file to this post; thank you for your time.
Houses.rar (2.3 MB)

Object packing is a highly complicated topic…
Have you watched the Erindale tutorial???

I do not think it has random rotation. He may have done another video on that, or you should be able to find that part of the answer elsewhere. Search for Object Packing…