hey guys,
is anyone aware of a way to scatter objects on the surface of another object?
i just saw this tutorial and was wondering if this can be achieved in blender somehow.
cheers christian
hey guys,
is anyone aware of a way to scatter objects on the surface of another object?
i just saw this tutorial and was wondering if this can be achieved in blender somehow.
cheers christian
If you mean like debris, try the grease scatter add-on.
yes, i saw that but i’d like to have the scatter option without having to draw grease lines.
i’d like to have it scatter on the objects surface
It would be helpful if you gave us a better description of what you are trying to accomplish ( without having to watch a half hour long video ).
well, i just want to scatter different objects on the surface of an object with randomize options for scale and rotate plus maybe a “seed” slider
Just use a hair system, I have a vertex group that excludes the eyes. You can have random scaling and rotation. The objects in the group are on layer 2. Make sure the origin on the group objects is a little bit above the base so that it will poke through the skin and won’t float above the surface.
scatter.blend (849 KB)
That can be easily done using a particle system, or multiple particle systems. Here is a blend with the settings you’ll need…
(edit) meh, I forgot to disable gravity
randomparticles.blend (562 KB)
thanks for the help guys!!
i have to head home now but i will take a look tomorrow
many thanks again ^^
No problem…I should probably mention that you have to jump ahead a frame or two in my example. Photox is right that hair particles ( static particles ) are the way to go.
(edit) Had to add my weird test render…
(edit) I call it: Meatball Attack
I forgot to mention that can have your random ‘seed’ value in the hair system, it’s right at the top, ‘seed’ here’s the important settings
i just tried the scenes and it works great
many many thanks guys!
and great render modron … toprow stuff for sure