Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Here we go !


  • Automatic Camera Clipping + Culling set up

With toggle f for each particles systems, custom camera cone bounding box (that you can still change on XYZ local scale) and distance cull sliders.


you may wait 20s to get your set up working. as it generate a lot of modifiers.

for now we need to update the modifer like we do with displacement, by toggling edit mode on & off. (or click on the refresh terrain operator). i don’t understand why this is not happening in real time. My addon have nothing to do with that, trying to reproduce the modifier stack manually will get the same update problem.


i also think that the particle density problem is inevitable inside blender. please prove me wrong !!!
c4a899bb075ab8dfddc74f633e3356608cbaea52_2_478x750 (183 KB)

next step: automatic update when cam move.

after that i’m going to create scenes on it for a week.

and later finish with the rest of the features (smart-particles, particles at border, point-cloud integration, slope/altitude) . I’ve been working on this addon for a month.
i think that the release is going to happend in 3 to 4 weeks. i really hope our efforts will pay. This is a big project :sweat_smile: