Scattering objects make them flat and change how they look

this is the mesh i want to scatter to make savannah grass.

i scatter it and i get this:

edit: i tried to apply scale and rotation and all what i need to apply and then get this:


Are you want to reproduce your grass along all your surface, is that right? If so, it can be done using so-called “Particles” system. Watch this video and you’ll understand what I mean, and, what is more important - how to work with it:


there is a problem with using particles since you cant import that to unity

Check this out:

That is an old add-on created to demo abilities of python API, in 2.80.

In 2.9x series, Geometry Nodes were created for procedural modeling.
Their first use was to scatter objects.
Then, in 3.x series, they acquire ability to modify new Hair Curves.

So, to create grass, you can use Curves object type, Geometry Nodes or a mix of both.
You are not stuck with this old addon or old particles system.