scene = Blender.getCurrentScene() ??

When i run the ripexport script i get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 332, in ?
scene = Blender.getCurrentScene()
AttributeError: getCurrentScene

this also happends when i use the povexport script (i now use the povanim)

Can one of you gurus tell what i should fix?


(btw. is it normal for the povanim script to strip colors of the meshes and leave them with 0.8, 0.8, 0.8?)

the scripts written by Jan Walters all use the old 2.10 api, so they will only work in Blender version 2.23 or less, and only if you apply this fix at the top of the script.

replace this line:

import Blender

by this one:

import Blender210 as Blender

they would also work in 2.25, but you’d have to change a lot more syntax than that.


Yes, it’s the blender default color and Povray needs of, at least, one
“pigment” to show the object or this objetc looks like a black hole in the


I tried to install Blender Creator to get the ripexport script to work, but it still produces the same error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 332, in ?
scene = Blender.getCurrentScene()
AttributeError: getCurrentScene

since i have no understanding of Python i don’t know what this means unfortunatly :\

I think this is the culprit: scene = Blender.getCurrentScene()
ripexport.export (scene)
…if that helps

In reply to jms: so one would have to recolorize the scene to use POV-ray? all i get is gray meshes - or is this one of those “go back to 2.23 creator to make it work”-things?

like I said earlier, you will have to modify the script a little bit, even in Creator 2.23.

first, go to the scipt window and scroll to the top
you will see a line that looks like this:

import Blender

change it to

import Blender210 as Blender

or, you could e-mail the script to me and I’ll try to fix it and send it back.


…sorry 'bout that - i tried that with 2.25 and it didn’t fix - but forgot to try it with 2.23

so it should work now - thx again