Scene lighting not turning on for particular object in Cycles

New to Blender facing a problem that must be my lack of knowledge, hope some one can help with this.

Opened bender default project added a plane below cube to see if the light is working in cycles, it is.

Then I imported an object from SketchFab with the SketchFab addon.

Made sure scene light were on here.

But the imported object is not affected by the scene lighting? How can I get the scene lighting on for this object? I am curious what type of light is on this object as is now? I noticed that even if I turn off scene and world lighting from red circled area above it is still lit in cycles render. Thanks


Make sure the shadow option is enable in a Object Panel:

Thanks for that suggestion Sergey, that ray visibility box was checked . So that is not he answer. I do see shadows in the material preview mode but not the rendered?

May you drop your .blend file so that I’ll take a look at it?

Yes, how do I do that?

Just drag your .blend file and drop it here while your replyin’ to somebody

Ok I will try that, when you look at it, in addition to the shadow issue. am also curious actual what kind on lighting cycles is showing for the plant it seems to be like some ambient lighting or some thing like that the reason I ask is I like it and would like to know what settings it uses if I want to reproduce it.

I tried to drag it in, the size limit is 5mb the file is 77mb. So that wont work

In that case you can try to upload it somewhere on a cloud storage or something.


May I also ask you: what Blender’s version are you using?

it is version 3.3.1

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That’s what I’ve just got. All shadows are appears.

Are you sure your Blender 3.3.1 works correctly? I mean, haven’t you made any changes to its settings before?

UPD: Oh, sorry me! I forgot to switch to Cycles one render, shame on me :slight_smile:

Here’s your shadows. Being in Shading tab, just switch Is Camera Ray input to Is Shadow Ray (see red highlighted area)

I really haven’t used it that much yet. I did some very simple compositor node thing yesterday to render out alpha masks but that was in another project So you mean that is the file with all the settings in the file and it is rendering shadows in cycles?

No-no, just check my answer above. I’ve fixed it by switching from Is Camera Ray input to Is Shadow Ray in Shading tab. Seems to me that that model had some uncorrect settings by default.

Or, you can even make something like this:

Ok I am in that node editor, I am totally new to nodes, how do I move the line it does not detach?

Just click on that circle (red area) with the left mouse button, hold it and drag it to the Fac input of a Mix shader node :slight_smile:

You can also make something like this, which could be much easier it terms of not using too much nodes:

HINT: to add Principled BSDF node, while in Node editor, press buttons combination Shift+A