Scene lit, with no lights =


I have a scene with no lights in it (I want it lit only with one spotlight, but I want to start with it pitch black and work from there). Yet it is still lit. Most advice is to turn off AO, and I’ve done that to no effect, nor can I find any lurking nodes for this.

Blend file attached
catacomb_v4.blend (4.4 MB)

I’d be grateful if anybody can point me in the right direction to solve this

Best wishes

I think it’s because you’re not using a shader like Principled BSDF between your mix output and the surface input. When I put your mix nodes color output into BSDF base color input and then that output to surface that might be what you’re looking for.

Are your settings set correctly here?


Yeah it seems all yr materials are whack.

You at least need a diffuse bdsf to have a working material.

You may want to add a black background in the world editor too.


Removed all materials. 1 spot.

catacomb_v4.blend (4.4 MB)


Thank you - both of your posts marked as ‘solved’…

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