Scene taking long to render.

System Specs:

  • AMD 4170 Quad core 3.8Ghz
  • 8GB DDR3 system Memory
  • GTX 960 - 4GB GDDR5

Scene = 1 Towel (167,688 faces), 1 plane (1 face), 1 spot light, 1 camera

My towel is using 1 million hair particles using the emission system.
Towel material is using: 1 velvet node, 1 diffuse node and 1 Fresnel node with a RGB mix node.

I don’t know if that is alot or not, but my system crawls when rendering this. It takes it about 3 min to even start rendering, during that 3 min time period I guess its setting up the needed things to render…? ( its says Updating BVH and such) The actual render takes about 1 min 40 seconds. It uses about 2.5GB to 3GB when rendering!

I can only think the actual things that may be slowing my computer is the Particle Emission count or Mesh Density.

Particle System: 1,000,000 hairs emission

Mesh Density: Highly subdivided about 100 times - 167,688 faces - solidified

system specs:

  • AMD 4170 Quad core 3.8Ghz
  • 8GB Ram
  • GTX 960 4GB GDDR5

5 minutes per frame is not much. I frequently render animations where one frame takes an hour to render.

Ok sounds about right then. What makes a scene complex? is it the amount of actual faces and vertices? or the textures being used? Currently if I have many reflective textures it can take very long to load.