Sci-Fi 2D Action Side Scroller/Platformer (unnamed for now)
This will be the main thread for a sci-fi 2d action side scroller that I will be developing over a long time.
I will add a relevant name once the game has gained some real weight (mechanically + visually).
Why I’m making this game
In my spare time i’ve tried to make lots of games but usually there is a couple bugs or just a lack of interest that will eventually stop me from working on it and the project will end up in the back of my hard drive somewhere with all the other neglected games. Apart from the various demo’s I release (via youtube) I have only completed one game I made for BGMC11 which is a little sad :(. So I thought I’d make a thread here to keep myself motivated and stop neglecting any more games as well as to get feedback on what you guys think of it :).
The overall style of the game will be fairly realistic (visually) however the movements/animations (mechanics) will be a little bit more cartoonish/fantasy based with more ridiculous super attacks etc.
This will be a fairly small sized game, maybe something similar to the levels of Mario, nothing huge.
Your character is a future sci-fi soldier in a mech-suit, which gives him extra strength, resistance against most bullets, and increased jumping (compared to a normal human). Like a normal sci-fi game you will be fighting robot creatures, whose attacks/abilities will vary with each level. Your task is to stop the ‘evil scientist’ from dooming the earth/space station to complete nuclear annihilation.
The character is melee based so he will have some sort of futuristic hand held weapon, this is mainly to stop the player from just shooting from one side of the screen and killing everything.
Updates will not be very frequent (daily) but should be weekly/fortnightly as time is a very large obstacle when it comes to game development and I have to juggle multiple items such as school, tutorials and now, upcoming exams. With that said I hope I will be able to keep this thread alive and come out with a finished game on the otherside :D!
Additionally I will try keep the most recent updates on this first post.
Thanks for reading!
First update (concept):
Recently I’ve painted all the elements of the character in gimp, trying to make the character 100% 2D (with a rig), however this didn’t look very good especially when turning from side to side so I decided to use it as concept for the 3D character I will be modelling in future updates. (in game armour will probably contain some sort of glowing element)
(character weapon is still needed)
Download is now available!
For direct download check here
To leave feedback check here
See page 3 for the details :D!