Sci-fi Floating Islands

“Safe Haven”
Rendered in Blender Cycles 1500 samples. Post Processed in Photoshop. Assets from Sketchfab. Ivy from Ivygen addon.

The image depicts sci-fi floating island, and a air transportation system around it. The islands are connected by cables that supply water and electricity. Ivy (a special genetically modified species that creates plants big enough that it’s individual leaves are bigger than regular human beings) has been allowed to grow as a plant-animal oxygen balance method. It’s an incomplete yet growing colony, with some of the further parts of the island clutter still under construction.

The idea is based on a currently incomplete world me and some friends are building for a movie we planned to make in the future.

“Floating Island Exp4” ( by annaeregina69 is licensed under creative commons attribution

“Space station 3” ( by re1monsen is licensed under creative commons attribution.

“Space station 4” ( by re1monsen is licensed under creative commons attribution.

“Asia Building” ( by Solarliu is licensed under creative commons attribution

“Big hovercraft - design high poly” ( by 3DHaupt is licensed under creative commons attribution.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Maybe a little offtopic:
… sometimes i wonder if the (everwhere used) floating island idea is based on the Tomb Raider 2 floating islands level… ( the new gamer generation might even don’t know what i’m talking about :sweat_smile: )

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@Okidoki it is actually inspired from “Dynamo dream” by Ian Hubert. However I think the floating island is a very common thing in sci-fi and fantasy. :slight_smile:

Inspiring work. Great!

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Sometimes your ( here mine ) questions will be answered … wikipedia Floating_cities_and_islands_in_fiction :desert_island: :wink:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this amazing artwork!

Do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the process of making the artwork step by step and provides insight into environment-designing in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn

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