This is a project I started over the weekend to design a futuristic robotic prostetic.
The aim of this project is to demonstrate the skills I have with this type of CG design, as I don’t have anything of this type currently in my portfolio.
This thread is to serve as a record and so the first few posts will be backdated appropriately.
I took a high poly Arm Sculpt Study by lucasfalcao from BlendSwap ( as a shrinkwrap base object, then began isolating the hand and finger sections.
Saturday 14th 15:40. (~4 hours)
I continued shaping each of the finger joints how I wanted them, with correct fingernails.
Also started on the pads of the palm, before leaving for work.
Saturday 14th 17:40 (~6 hours)
Having Sunday off from work I was able to spend a full day on improving the hand.
Starting by finishing the finger and thumb sections before working on the pads of the palm.
Sunday 15th 17:00 (~9 hours)
With the hand sections completed I moved on to the internals, first by blocking out the metacarpals of the palm and the position of plate where the hand meets the wrist.
While workin in this for a while I realised that the current hand pads didn’t look natural. Instead of large deformable sections, I opted for a more realistic setup with a small pad at the base of each finger and smaller floating pads in the central ‘V’ shaped part of the palm.
Sunday 15th 18:50 (~11 hours)
The rough positons of the bones established, I bult the desired meshes and extended them down the fingers. The base plate I thickened and bulked out the base of the metacarpals.
At this point my basic Pro Lighting Skies HDRi wasn’t cutting it anymore, so I set upi a basic threepoint lighting setup with a more interesting environment image.
I also created a basic paint shader to replace the external plates of the arm. But after the render below I decided to only use it from the wrist upwards.
Sunday 15th 21:45 (~14 hours)
After yesterday the hand is in a good initial state, so this morning I began to shape the external plates of the rest of the arm from the wrist up. This was a lot quicker than the tricky sections of the hand, and I had it blocked out quickly.
With the initial metal skin set, I started on rough designs of the arm bones.
Monday 16th 11:45 (~16 hours)
The main arm structures blocked out I moved on to the finer details of the arm bones and the actuators that will move them.
First smoothing out the primary wrist ball-joing then adding some curvature to it’s arm and socket. After that I streamlined the humerous, adding the bicep and tricep muscle actuators.
Finally this evening I modeled the hand actuators clamped to the metacarpals that will provide primary motion to the fingers.
Monday 16th 22:00 (~19 hours)