Sci-Fi Rover: Late Stage Development

This was made with Fluent Powertrip, a stress-free modeling tool.
I’m still figuring out the next layer of detailing.


95% boolean workflow.


looks nice, I Iove that workflow too

Thank you. Working with booleans is intriguing, and utilizing Fluent provides comprehensive control.

I think also it avoids that ‘melty’ look you always get with subd. You would be surprised how many modellers are still reluctant to go this route

Indeed. It also helps to avoid unnecessary edge subdivision. I’ve found that booleans can create smooth curves similar to subdivision surfaces (subdiv) by cutting the cutter and adding weighted bevels of different sizes and vertex groups. After that, you can add details using union booleans, and with the help of the bevels and angle limit, you can choose between sharp and smooth transitions. However, with subdivision surfaces, it often requires additional edge loops and some retopology, sometimes even using shrinkwrapping.

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