Hello community!
I’m happy to share with you an asset i’ve been working for a while on now.
It’s a Sci-fi speeder, intended for a music video i’m working on.
Engine - High poly/clean version
Textured - “low poly”
Rigged and animated model (with tractor sounds )
Soon i’ll be also showing the rider of this beast, just need to finish his getup
Thank you for looking, tell me what you think!
Everything modeled in Blender, textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Cycles.
hehe thanks! It was a hell to retopo, especially the engine
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This is awesome! Very nice details.
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May 24, 2023, 10:27am
Very unique design, would be cool to see it composited into a video flying down a street.
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Thanks, it probbably won’t be added to live footage, but i’m building a desert scene for it to inhabit as we speak!
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(Bart Veldhuizen)
May 26, 2023, 10:36am
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
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Thanks Bart! Nice weekend to you aswell!
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May 26, 2023, 4:28pm
That is seriously cool.
Awesome job!!
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Great work! The hard surface detail and texturing are phenomenal!
I’d love to see a wireframe version.
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Thanks alot!
Here are some wires of the “low poly” model, which still sits at around 200k tris, so not that lowpoly
(Bart Veldhuizen)
May 29, 2023, 11:00am
You’re on the #featured row!
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Looks great, engine has a nice V6 vibe
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It’s very cool! It is still certainly a speeder, but it looks bigger, cooler, and meaner than a typical Star Wars swoop bike.
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Haha thank you very much! In the beginning it was shaping to be kind of the “deodorant bulky” shaped Ray’s speeder, but i wanted something more “High octane”, something a bit more dangerous
Thank you! I remember vividly opening Cgtextures, typing “engine” and seeing this hunk of junk, and of course. I immediately fell in love.
So this became the basis for the engine. Of course the angled “pistons” are derived from the hot-rod aesthetic, i just wanted it to look mean! haha