Sci fi USB

Hey guys, here is a sci fi usb which i intend to use in the future for a film im planning to make. im really bad at lighting but i tried to get it to show the materials correctly. the usb itself is meant to look sci fi and rugged. feedback is welcome.

That looks really cool =) Only things I’d add is a bit more reflection on the metal of the connector (might just be the lighting though), and make the colored lines glow a bit, which should be really easy.

First of all, ur USB has a great design :slight_smile: it looks very futuristic^^

You could try to give the metal of the connector some small scratches because everytime u plug it in it will get some of these.
And the connector looks a bit edgy (is this a word?) to me. Maybe you could try to bevel these hard edges a bit so it would look more realistic.

Well, this depends of how much efford and who much render time u want to spend. If u say no i want a bit faster renders than ur USB device looks alright :slight_smile:

ive tried raising the emission strength to 50, but it still doesn’t really light up its surroundings (for the light strips) so i dropped it back down to 5. might be because the floor is slightly glossy so you cant really see the light coming off the strips. i don’t really understand what you mean by metal connector… if you mean the usb head, then that is supposed to have the roughness about .1 because thats how real usbs look anyway. by the way i dont know if anyone noticed the small blip on the usb, but thats meant for theft prevention;) i dont know how it could practically be used but its there to make it look cool

it actually is bevelled, you just cant really see it because its so small. for the scratches… do you have any idea how i could achieve that look?