Sci-fi Warrior

Hi all! :slightly_smiling_face: Retexturing Sci-fi Elf ( Sisters of Battle )

Thank you for watching! :blush:


Fantastic modeling! Also i think u could test more lighting setups to make the model stand out more :smiley:


agreed with kubo
the topology is also looks clean :smiley:

Thanks!) :slightly_smiling_face: hmm… yes, I have some problems with it :thinking:

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

I suggest some addon similar to:

It makes life easier :smiley:

I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy :slight_smile:


Wow! Thank you very much! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You’re #featured! :+1:


What is up with you and featuring awesome art… reported ! :smiley:

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How do you go about designing it? Do you follow your own concepts, or do you design it from a technical standpoint?

The thing i find so difficult with creating mechs and robots is that everything has to make sense. Which in your case it does, to an incredible level of detail

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Блин мен… Думал я тебя тут не буду хейтить ?
Omg men. Do you really think that I wouldn"t hating you here

good enough to become a future splash screen IMO. just need to use everything eevee has to offer to become a “tech showcase”

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Great work. How long did you need?

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super hot!

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Did you used NASA computers? :smile: Either yes or no, this render is awesome!


wow. just wow. :dizzy_face:

this. is. insane. this Blows my mind, because of the Level of Detail!!

how Long did you work on it?

do you make it with mirrormodifyer to get this perfect symmetry?

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This is just perfect !!! :slight_smile:

a bit too perfect. Seems this awesome warrior never… fought, lived, moved :wink:

life creates dirt dust rust. This one looks like just out of the factory, just out of the box x))

okay stop criticism ^^ tech modeling is perfect, just as is lighting and PBR ^^
tho i prefer steampunk thingies this work is really amazing, and as i hardly imagine the work behind this scene, i just love it !!!

congratz !!!

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Dude, this is awesome! but the pose and lighting doesnt really sell it :frowning: I would love to see a cooler pose and some more dramatic lighting to work with the awesome modelling and texturing!

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