Science Gangster (Tommy gun + Lightning = Awesome!)

I saw my sister’s husband wearing a shirt with this image on it:

This inspired me to make an actual model for my portfolio, and yes, it will shoot lightning!

The majority of the gun itself is modeled, still plenty of detail work to do and little fixtures to add.


Little bit of progress on some of the toggle switches and side details (Not all there yet.) Still need to add mounting hardware to the drum magazine and model the rear sight. After that I will have to make an environment for it, then move on to UV mapping, texturing and lighting.

Still figuring out hard surface modeling using sub-d; the fire mode and safety switch took me a while to figure out how to make.

Almost done! Just need a few finishing touches on the rear sight (a couple screws and a clip to hold on the pinhole viewer thingy.)

Nice modelling!