Scratch textures for anisotropic shaders

I’ve created a small python script to generates 1 pixel lines that to be used with anisotropic shaders. I’m attaching the blend file, the textures and pasted here is the python script that generates them*.

blend file:

example textures:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import random
import math

def drawVerticalLines( size, draw, deviation, skip ):
    for p in range( 3 ):
        for x in range( 0 , size[0] , skip ):
            color = tuple( [ random.randint( 0 , 255 ) ] * 3 )
            offset_x1 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation )
            offset_x2 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation )
            coords = ( x + offset_x1, 0 + offset_x1, x + offset_x2, size[1] - offset_x2 )
            draw.line( coords , color )

def drawHorizontalLines( size, draw, deviation, skip ):
    for p in range( 3 ):
        for y in range( 0 , size[1] , skip ):
            color = tuple( [ random.randint( 0 , 255 ) ] * 3 )
            offset_y1 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation )
            offset_y2 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation )
            coords = (  0  + offset_y1, y + offset_y1, size[0] - offset_y2, y + offset_y2 )
            draw.line( coords , color )

def drawCircular( size, draw, deviation, skip ):
    center = ( size[0]//2 , size[1] //2 )
    for r in range( 1, max( center[0], center[1] ), skip ):
        offset_r1 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation ) // 2
        offset_r2 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation ) // 2    
        offset_r3 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation ) // 2    
        offset_r4 = random.randint( -deviation , deviation ) // 2     
        color = tuple( [ random.randint( 0 , 255 ) ] * 3 )
        draw.ellipse( (     center[0] - r + offset_r1,\
                        center[1] - r + offset_r2, \
                        center[0] + r + offset_r3, \
                        center[1] + r + offset_r4 \
                        ) , outline=color )
def generate_scratch_image( size , deviation , skip, horizontal, vertical, circular ):
    im = "RGB" , size )
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw( im )
    if vertical:
        drawVerticalLines( size, draw, deviation, skip )
    if horizontal:
        drawHorizontalLines( size, draw, deviation, skip )
    if circular:
        drawCircular( size, draw, deviation, skip )
    return im

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    size = ( 2048 , 2048 )
    deviation =32 # how parallel are the scratches 0 = paralel, > 0 more inclined
    skip =4 # how thick are the scratches 0 = nightmare, > 0 thicker

    im = generate_scratch_image( size , deviation , skip , horizontal=True, vertical=False, circular=False ) "c:\scratch_2048.png" , "PNG" )

  • requires python standalone and PIL. Also I’m no coder so this may be messy

the texture looks great,it will be nice to have an option for lines drawn at random angles for a general scratch texture.

Hello and thanks.
In theory this is possible even now, if you enable both horizontal and vertical scratches and push deviation and skip a bit up, it will generate pretty random scratches. If you keep them both on but keep deviation to a low number it will create a ‘crosshatch’ type of texture.