Screen colour vs Output colour?

Not sure I’ve had this happen before but my final render is looking more pale and yellow than my screen preview. The image here is a still but the same colour difference is in the animation output.

If this is getting into colour calibration and there’s something I need to read let me know.

Do you use the compositor nodes? Because in the view port only the result BEFORE compositing is shown.

No, never used them before.

So any render usually needs to be colour corrected post, in the compositor or Photoshop? (for stills)

The final still only need a very small tweak with levels in an image editor to bring up the contrast and remove the yellow

Check that you don’t have any lights etc that are turned on only for the view port and not for the final render or the other way around.

There’s only a background colour of white at 0.5 and a Sun light, also white.

Strange. I’ve never noticed a difference in the preview and final render before.

can you upload a blend file.Then we can have a look whats going on.

Because you use Filmic. Turn Filmic to Standard.

@Hikmet Hikmet is probably right. You can find this option in the Properties panel → Render Properties → Color Management (at the bottom) → View Transform
So there turn Filmic to Standard as Hikmet said.


But why he has no Filmic look in the viewport?

Hm, good question. I had a closer look and using Standard probably does not give the right outcome either. It also sets the viewport to Standard. So there probably still is a difference.

You might check your sampling between the Render and the Viewport…if you have a lower sampling in viewport then there are subtle differences in Viewport render and Final Render

I changed the Render Properties Color Management to Standard and the render looks better but the Eevee preview looks blue.

I am on a Mac so don’t know if there are gamma or screen settings that are different here, exceptd I am seeing the difference in colour between two things on the same screen?

you need to use the scene world from the viewport shading options

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Great. Thanks @canpe.

I’ve never done that before. I always take it for granted your setup is the thing that is rendered. But a preview has its own settings for a preview.

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If it’s okay I’ve removed my Blender file as it’s got a model in it.

What year Apple MacBook? The modern ones are Display P3 and you need to use a proper configuration as Blender doesn’t support it by default. You can try this attached link.

If it is any MacBook model from approximately late 2015 on, the chances are that it has a Display P3 display, not sRGB-like.

I’m on a late 2018 iMac 27" so I think I’m okay.

The problem was solved by turning on Scene Lights in the Viewport Shading options for Eevee.

I’m pretty sure that’s a Display P3 display.

Open up ColorSync and check the primaries. If you see the larger triangle, there you go.

I opened up the ColorSync Utility? And saw this -


Would be under the “Displays” heading there on the left. It should pop up a CIE colourimetry diagram.