Yeah, half res is fundamentally broken at the moment in 1.14.
I couldn’t replicate the crash with high bitdepth shadows.
The depth weight’s internal multiplier seems to be way too high in some cases, it was initially set up so high to minimize bleeding from one object to another if they had similar view normals. Decreasing depth weight can improve the denoising in some scenes.
Higher denoise samples work a lot better, but with a GTX 1060 the viewport isn’t very responsive anymore.
The UI doesn’t show it, but the actual blur samples count is: (2 * Sample Count) + 1) * 2, so the actual cost goes up pretty fast.
16 render samples - 10 (UI) filter samples:
16 render samples - no filtering:
The biggest issue is that it would make a lot more sense to accumulate some amount of samples, and then denoise the accumulated result in one pass. I’m not sure how to handle implementing at the moment, but I’m considering accumulating 4-16 samples - denoising them once and only then writing to the viewport. Should help to keep the performance impact on the viewport a lot smaller, with potentially better quality result, while still having some kind of preview without waiting for the max sample count to be reached.
Currently it’s denoising mess like this every render sample:
1 render sample:
And denoising that isn’t working that great.
1 render sample - 10 filter samples
There are ways to make the filter significantly faster, but one of the main optimizations has some smaller artifacts, so if I can reduce how often the filter is run for every frame that would seem to be a better initial improvement.
Something else I want to look into when I get the chance is taking the rays that don’t hit anything and adding user defined sky and ground colors to those rays based on ray direction, so there’s some fallback. Ideally it would later sample from the probes / world. It would also need some way to dampen the default indirect diffuse world lighting, since it’s occlusion without baked probes is only GTAO and that doesn’t handle larger scale occlusion at all with default settings.
I think there might be a blog post about Eevee next week (according to D. Felintos comment on the 2021 roadmap blog post) so it will be interesting to see if there’s a point to support this branch in the future also.
I might be able to set up a Mac build on my end sometime next weekend. No promises on the exact time though.