Screen Space Global Illumination for Eevee

Yeah, it’s the same thing, although Clement redid everything from scratch (also for the sake of clarity sake, my patch is mostly reusing modified duplication of his Eevee code also for the base functionality).

Wrote what I could gather about it from browsing the Eevee next branch code that’s available a while back, and how it differs from what I did:

I took a quick look at what’s available of the Eevee next source and the pure screen space raytracing part seems pretty similar. Reusing reflection rays (with some extra tweaks). Bigger change is denoising and the bilateral filter at the end of denoising uses variance estimate from the ray resolve step. Can’t comment on how it fits with the other parts of the rendering or how up to date the code that is available is.

This is just from what’s visible currently and with no way to test it out.

I haven’t tried it out, but it seems similar to what I did at first with the addon, so SSR “remapped” to do diffuse lighting instead of specular reflections. Mine had some attempted approximations to make it behave more diffuse like, but they could cause artifacts and had a pretty sizeable performance impact. Might be worth to check it out if you need something that doesn’t come in a modified build and the old addon isn’t suitable for.