Screen Space Global Illumination for Eevee


To clarify the issue a bit:

  1. Has the probe tracing part ever worked on your hardware on rendered view or does this happen only on some files?

  2. Could you test out this blend file on the build with debug sliders and see if the first one changes the lighting at all? The “debug A” slider controls which cubemap is being sampled from (0 is the world one - should be update dynamically, high numbers are local baked cubemaps if present).

On my own problematic test files, I’ve tracked down the issue to the world probe getting “stuck”, meanwhile the local probes usually work. Baking probes / deleting lighting cache tends to unfreezes the world one also, or at least update it once. It’s also using Eevee parts that are meant for specular materials only and seemed to be skipped if there’s only full diffuse BSDFs present in the scene for example.

There’s a separate potential issue also, but that would be fully hardware dependant on showing up. So I can’t test it.