Screen Space Global Illumination for Eevee

Does this actually work in material preview mode?

Yeah, the behaviour is exactly the same as SSR. It shares a lot of the background stuff with SSR as well, was easier to implement and keep up to date that way.

Enabling probe tracing and turning the intensity of that down to zero is a good way to verify, since it completely replaces the default diffuse HDRi lighting (the default intensity is also way too low should be roughly 5 to 7). Should result in no diffuse lighting, unless you have scene lamps enabled. The difference would come in if it also sampled local probes (as it’s skipped for material preview by default), but that’s not implemented.

Adding a toggle for rendering / material preview shouldn’t be too difficult, but it would affect screen space reflections as well as they are coupled together in many aspects behind the scenes. But overall that’s not a priority atm.

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gone forever

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Not sure it was ever supposed to be ready for 3.1, but I do think they were hoping for a 3.1 or 3.2 release. That hasn’t happened, but if you follow the latest updates it seems like a lot has happened in the past month, including Cyptomatte which was originally considered a “nice to have” for the initial release. I think that things are heating up on the Blender Org movie project which in turn is pushing development in EEVEE much faster than before. I think an initial release for 3.4 is realistic, although not everything will work. So basically I would think that by mid-October it should be in pretty decent shape for the beta releases.

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Can you document where Eevee Next was slated for these versions?

SSGI, not Eevee Next.

Thank for such good feature. With SSGI and Probe Tracing i have got this result.


Awesome result. Interesting to see the difference with probe tracing also, as in it’s current unfinished state I’m not convinced of how usable it is at all.

Before it was called Eevee Next some of the changes in the rewrite were targeted for multiple earlier versions. Justifiable delays happen especially with large undertakings. You can see that from dev discussion channels and official blog posts. Earliest target was 3.0 when the inclusion was announced in the first place and has shifted multiple times since. I don’t see the need to imply it didn’t.

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Installed and tried it. Really nice results, thanks for generously sharing this with the Blender community, @0451. With the right settings this turns EEVEE into a semi-Cycles.

I’m wondering if there will be updates for newer versions of Blender than 2.93, or has development stalled because of the imminent EEVEE Next SSGI implementation?

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The latest version is on 3.1.2, should have a more updated features in SSGI part also. All the newer versions are uploaded to Google Drive folder, since due to Gumroad file restrictions I can only keep one full Blender build on there anyway. Not possible to support multiple OS builds without making different products and I’m not interested in taking on the extra time spending to try to maintain the different product pages. There’s a link to the Drive with newer builds as text file on Gumroad and in the product info, but it seems it’s not visible enough as this is the most common question I get about this.

It’s partly stalled due to having it implemented official anyway in near future, but it’s mostly down to being unable to take enough time off in succession to make any actual progress, while I’m trying to finish my degree and keep up with work deadlines I’ve taken on at the same time. I still have plenty of things that I want to try out and implement in some form, but it’s not really possible at the moment without dropping something else timewise.

Glad you found the results worthwhile!


Ah, yes, found the link, thanks. Going to install the new build right away.

Good luck finishing your degree!


Hello, does ssgi addon have optix for blender version 3.1 (windows)?
there is no version 3.0 also. Is it possible to add optix to current sggi version which include enable probe in screen space raytracing?


Currently not, but I planned to do a build with it anyway. Just a 3.1 build with latest SSGI and Optix is all you need? I need build with Optix myself for work I plan to do during next work week. I’ll look into it in the next few days.

I’m having some library errors with building blender, so no hard promises at the moment though. I’m stuck with using my phone hotspot for internet currently and it takes half a day to download the libraries for building Blender and that is without any troubleshooting. So I’m not sure if I can manage to get a build with all features enabled during that time I can spend on it.


Yes I only need optix with 3.1 build since my project can’t use cuda because the performance is very slow when I use cuda and when I download old build with optix there is no probe tracing. Thank you so much.

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Updated the Gumroad page over a huge amount of time.

  • Addon version download is removed directly from Gumroad, replaced with a google drive for addon version archived versions.

  • Updated the one build of the Native version that was available on it to current latest version (3.12).

  • All the alternative download links are available as before.

All this is done to hopefully point people towards the most up to date and usable version. Let me know if there’s any issues with it.



Just updating the progress of getting functional builds out, as I was hoping to get it done few days ago.

No functional builds yet, but I think I figured out the issue (“make update” not downloading the correct libraries for non master builds - Hopefully shouldn’t take much longer.


I will wait, take your time. No need to hurry thank you

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3.1.2 with Optix up on drive (direct link):
Edit: Uploaded wrong build
Correct build:

Will update Gumroad also some time later.


Thank you so much

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Hello I think you upload wrong file
the file is having screen space reflection not screen space ray tracing
thank you


My bad. Was so focused on getting it to build at all that I forgot to actually apply the SSGI patch. Rebuilding now, with patch applied. L̶e̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶p̶d̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶m̶o̶r̶r̶o̶w̶.

Edit - Correct build:

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