Screen Space Global Illumination for Eevee

I hear ya and I agree with what you are saying but it’s not like this is going to become the official implementation in Blender, it’s just an option that people will have until we get the real thing.

It’s more of a situation where the microphone is locked to the raw output so you must either hack the microphone or use it as is until you get a better solution.
I’d love to see a proper SSGI implementation but until then this is the best we have and no-one bothered to do it until 0451 came along so let’s appreciate the work while also trying to improve it :slight_smile:

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BIG: “Love it!”

And to users starting the practice:


Sorry to ask so much, but randomly every goes crazy, here is an Example:

Updated the disclaimer on Gumroad. Might probably even need to make it longer?

There are few things that I can think of that are doable to improve this hacky approach that I’ll try to implement. But overall it’s not going to fundamentally change.

Main issue being that even with full 100 roughness the SSR still looks to be biased towards the mirror reflections and for diffuse you need a hemisphere not a elongated lobe. It’s less visible on organic geometry, but for boxes it’s pretty visible.

I didn’t expect much more traffic than the original WIP thread, but that has definately not been the case with all the extra complications from that.

@WeepingSleet sent you a dm.


I have made this node which I use in the world shader sometimes to control color and intensity of the shadows. It is not perfect but maybe some part of it can be useful for SSGI when an HDRI is present.

BetterShadows.blend (1.0 MB)

Worst case maybe you could add an option to bypass the HDRI for the scene while the camera will still be able to view it.


Some world material manipulation would probably be the best band aid possible in only a addon form. At least a way to easily disable specular world lighting.

I might have a solution for a modified build. It’s pretty easy to kill the overall material contribution of a node and leave only the SSR. Fallback cube maps needs to be gone too, but that’s done inside the SSR fragment shader and I haven’t figured out the best way to pass a variable to that per node so I don’t mess any other shaders up. The resulting isolated SSR is way cleaner too compared to what I was doing with nodes.


This is so awesome. I’m having a real good time with it. It’s clearly not ready for prime time, but it’s so much a step in the right direction.

I discovered that when I was using Cycles that some noisy textures I created (like dirt or gravel roads) ended up a lot more flat without cranking up my samples to ludicrous proportions. Eevee however, showed all the detail of these noisy textures (and was so much faster). But I mourned the loss of GI. Then, literally the next day, everyone started talking about this plug in and I was like “Oh, I gotta try this”.

Early tests were hopeful. After a little tweaking I managed to get a pretty good render.

The turkey looks great. However, I noticed that self intersecting geometry tended to cause some… glowyness.

However, I now had a new problem. Because that dirt texture I was so keen on preserving was now completely gone.

I’m willing to help out however I can to get these issues resolved. I would love to have GI in my Eevee renders. Just let me know what you need.

Can you send me just the dirt plane in a private message?

Testing the modified build. No problem with world lighting, but with higher intensities the dithering like noise pattern of SSR is pretty visible (unlike the subtracting of nodes that got rid of more minute detail). Also I didn’t notice any variable from node materials directly being passed on to SSR shader. Unless I can find a way to do that then the SSR will be just added on top of cubemap/world lighting with no occlusion.

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Is the gumroad link broken? I am not able to get this for quite some time already

Yup. Added a link to drive.

Sent that too your DM.

I am so impressed by this that I wanted to go back to GumRoad and give you more money for it, but GumRoad is being a pain about taking my money. Is there somewhere else I can throw money at your for this?

Where can i find it?I’m unable to download this addon From gumroad …

There’s a google drive link for the moment on the first post.

Gumroad should be back up.

Info about futher plans:
I’ll update the addon only version with things I can do to improve it, but I’m also going to add a modified build of Blender with addon only designed to work with that as there are some things I can’t do with only material nodes. It will be the same hacky approach at it’s base and not a separate effect from SSR.


Thanks a lot for this addon, very impressive. It works great on my computer but on my laptop there is that error with 0.1.1:

location: <unknown location>:-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/metal3d/.config/blender/2.83/scripts/addons/SSGI/", line 555, in draw
    layout.prop(["_BOOST GI Control_"].nodes["_BOOST_GI_Node_"].inputs[1], "default_value",text="Boost SSGI")
KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "_BOOST GI Control_" not found'`

Weird that happens only on my laptop…

Any idea ?

Does it happen it happen in an an empty start up file too when adding the materials?

Materials are added (a simple cube on plane, both has their own material)

I tried to check in Python code, when I comment out the lines, others keys are not found…

That’s weird, it’s the same addon version on both computers, maybe I say something wrong, I will check again on my other computer if the error appears.

Actually, my laptop seems to have problems with latest versions of Blender (2.83.x), that I don’t have on my desktop computer. Let me check for a couple of minutes, I will see if I can find informaiton.

@0451 OK my bad, it happens on both computer as soon as I activate SSGI.

(On my laptop, it’s very slow, but not on my desktop computer, that why I thouhg that the error was only on my laptop…)

Just for clarity - Does it show up when viewing the addon UI panel without adding the materials or even after the “add SSGI” button is pressed?