Script Error

First of all I’m not really much of a programmer I mess around with a bit of html and css but that’s it but I found this script for blender 2.73 that exports camera animations I need for other software I won’t go into but when I pasted this script into blender 2.8 release candidate and tried to run it I got a error on line 220

217 def register():
218 bpy.utils.register_class( ExportCameraToMayaOperator )
219 # Append a menu item for our operator item to the file menu
220 bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append( menu_func )

does anyone know how to fix this for 2.8

also here is a link to the whole script

thanks in advance

PS: Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place

Hi @DarthRevan501st ,

I have that same Blender to Maya & AE script, it has been broken for years due to Blender api changes.

You would need to re-write the script for it to work in Blender 2.80 because other stuff may be broken other than the warnings/errors you are experiencing. Also it is not simple to re-write addons at the moment while Blender 2.80 is in Beta so give it a little while and someone may be able to take the time to re-write it.

I was using it like you, to get Blender camera data into another program but when it broke, I wrote a script that exports camera and empties, specifically to my compositing program Hitfilm Pro. :slight_smile:

Thinking about it more it would probably actually work if you just use a older version of blender and export your camera animations to the older version of blender in a fbx file or obj or something