Script to download latest build

Hello !

My god, I started to use Blender in 2000 and I never shared something… However I’m using it, I do images, animations, python scripts…

So, today, I only give you a simple python script that will download latest builds of blender if, like me, you want test them often. Check the code here:

You may change installation and link path (I do a symlink from latest version to blender-XX version in another path) and I’m daily using it. So, it works…

It only works on Linux for now, but it can be easy to enhance it.

One day I’ll share something else :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Actually I need to get latest builds because (I don’t know why) official build of blender-2.79 won’t work at home… And I’m preparing some animations where Eevee is faster (yes, it’s obvious). But blender-2.80 is not fully stable and so… I hope, day by day, to see bugs to disappear :wink: