Script works only once

In state 1 I have 2 always connected to python controller
the first of the python controller has a script that moves the character

the next always has a script that when detects the ground and the space key changes to state 2

In state 2 I have a delay that activates the jump, then always that is connected to a python controller to move in a different way in the air and finally an always connected to a python controller to detect the ground and return to state 1

The problem is that when I’m in state 1 and I jump, that is I press space key (change to state 2) then I go back to 1 and when I want to jump again, it changes to state 2 (that is good) but the code that moves the characther in a different way is not executed

that is the jump and movement only works once

Game.blend1 (540.3 KB)

In STATE2 swap “Move2” script to “Move” script and it runs fine.

Thank you but I want in state 2 to keep the script move2

If you look at the script, move2 has a different way to move (only one direction every jump)

In all (!!) your scripts (also the ray scripts) remove the brackets from the function calls:
instead of
W() or if W()...
W or if W...

EDIT: no, this idea was complete nonsense

thanks you but I don’t understand
something like that

import bge

cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner


keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard

w_key = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE ==[]
s_key = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE ==[]
a_key = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE ==[]
d_key = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE ==[]

velocidad = 0.32

def W():
own.applyMovement((0, velocidad, 0))

def S():
own.applyMovement((0, -velocidad, 0))

def A():
own.applyMovement((-velocidad, 0, 0))

def D():
own.applyMovement((velocidad, 0, 0))

if not “key” in own:
own[“key”] = “”

Logic for W

if w_key and (own[“key”] == “” or own[“key”] == “w”):
own[“key”] = “w”
print(“work W”)

Logic for S

elif s_key and (own[“key”] == “” or own[“key”] == “s”):
own[“key”] = “s”
print(“work S”)

Logic for A

elif a_key and (own[“key”] == “” or own[“key”] == “a”):
own[“key”] = “a”
print(“work A”)

Logic for D

elif d_key and (own[“key”] == “” or own[“key”] == “d”):
own[“key”] = “d”
print(“work D”)

Game2.blend (540.5 KB)

sorry, I was totally wrong. Brackets like in your first post are correct.

Just remove the space in ray2 script:

if ray():
    own["key"] = " "
    cont.owner.state = 1


if ray():
    own["key"] = ""
    cont.owner.state = 1

Game.blend (540.3 KB)

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really thank you