Do you think it would be possibel to have render passes that use geometry nodes attributes? Is there a way to do it? thanks
Something like this?
I don’t know how to access information about a render pass in geo nodes, but it’s something I do with materials… basic idea is that I’m hiding/showing (via material transparency) based on the render layer. Perhaps it will help.
(The View Layer Manager pulldown you see is not default blender, but it’s not a factor in this setup).
I’ve done this in the past.
I use geometry nodes to set vertex colors, then do a scene override material that shows the vertex colors 1:1 in raw color space.
You would do a bpy.ops.render, then enable the override, raw and do another bpy.ops.render. You can do this as many times as you want producing many different types of render passes. Just make sure you set all your settings back to the way they were after the render (in python) so you aren’t saving bad blend files.