to keep it short and simple, when i scrub along the timeline and have sound synced/scrub so i can hear it, it plays a second of music per frame, so i cant hear when things are happening in the time line
im using a clip of music, its in WAV, ive clicked sync and scrub, pushed recalc (no idea what it does, nothing apparantly) and when i move along the timeline the music doesnt play one frame at a time it plays a small section
I’m having the same problem. It may have something to do with the sound card. In my case I use a Dell laptop and as I understand it my system does not have an internal sound card. The sounds are handle via software which I believe is causing the problem. I’ve been searching the forums to see if anyone else has used an external sound card with a laptop to see if it corrects the problem.
Here’s the original site for the sound
Correct me if this is wrong: I think it may have something to do with the sound card internal clock, in my case there isn’t one which is why the problem exists. So I was searching to see if anyone has used an external sound card that corrected the problem. So far I have not.
Also I believe the sound card needs to be OpenGl compatible. But I’m guessing on all of this. Hopefully someone more tech savvy can set me straight.
i dont know how sound cards work, but i run blender on a couple platforms, 2 pc’s and my laptop, i dont animate on my laptop because it cant handle it too well, but this PC can hand it fine and my PC (which is currently broken but much better than this) still have problems
but hopefully someone with more exerpeicne and knowlegde can help
I went back to ver 2.45 and I no longer have the problem.
When I opened the file that I had made in 2.49a I received a message saying there would be a loss of data which I believe were my key frames since the action editor is now blank but that’s ok since I didn’t have much there.
[EDIT] Key frames are still there, I forgot to scroll up to see them.
Maybe some of you could try 2.45 it and see if you get the same result, perhaps its a bug in 2.49a
start blender from the command line like so /somewhere/blender -g noaudio
open the video sequence editor, hit space, select Audio (I chose RAM), and place the sound strip that appears.
Now try scrubbing.
Sorry, forgot to say that I’m running linux, never tried on windows