I see that in Sculpt mode there are shortcuts for each brush, but no shortcut for the brush browse link panel, which is what I would prefer. Is there a way to make one?
I see that in Sculpt mode there are shortcuts for each brush, but no shortcut for the brush browse link panel, which is what I would prefer. Is there a way to make one?
Unfortunately not. That was one of my first questions when I tried Blender for sculpting.
There is a workaround, though. Maybe even a better solution. Pie Menus. In case you are not familiar with what Pie Menus are, you don’t know how to make them, etc, I strongly advise going through this whole thread [Addon] Wazou’s Pie Menus it has some great info. Everything from already made PieMenus (including SculptBrushes) to examples of learning how to make your own.
In his post #3 you can see a screenshot of the Sculpt Pie.