Sculpt January 2020 / Day 24

Hello everyone! I’m new here.

Just wanted to share my artwork for the 24th day of the art challenge SculptJanuary 2020, hosted by CG Boost. The prompt was Unimaginable.

I’m still learning 3D so any critique, suggestion or comment would be greatly appreciated! :wink:

Final Render:

Other Angles in Matcap:

EDIT: :smile: I wrote an article for BlenderNation, in which explained a bit about my process for this artwork. Check it out here: Behind the Scenes: Sculpt January 2020 Day 24


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Thanks Bart! :wink:

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Amazing. You can use Remesh instead of Dyntopo.

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You’re #featured! :+1:

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Thanks! Yeah, I decided to stick with Dyntopo for this one because I couldn’t quite grasp how to use the new remesh feature properly. But I shall definitely learn it and use it in future projects! :smiley: