Sculpt January 2021

It’s January, so time for a month of sculpts.
I’m gonna spend an hour or 2 on each sculpt

Here’s day 1: Dragon’s egg

and a timelapse:


day 2: Freshly Baked

Day 3: Modular Limb

Day 4 - Sneaking insect

Day 5 - Magic Gate

Day 7 - Luxurious Garment

Day 8 - Relentless Music

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forgot to update so here’s days 9 -15

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couple more; day 16-18

days 19 -23

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24 -31, all the remaining sculpts

and here’s the playlist with all the timelapses:


Well Done :+1:
You did them all.
My favourite ones are the Dress, Elmer Fudd and the final one with the old man. :grinning:

Very nice,