Sculpt January 2023 is here!

Hey everyone! I have just opened the sculptjanuary2023 tag and added a reminder to the top navigation.

From the official challenge page:

How to take part?

  1. Create a sculpting inspired by the topics we provide for each day of January 2023 (see the prompts list below)
  2. Post images of your results on social media
  3. Tag your posts with the hashtag sculptjanuary2023 and mention us @sculptjanuary
  4. If you get all 31 sculptures done, share a collage at the end of the month, and be proud of what you have achieved :muscle:

You can also follow Sculpt January on Twitter and Instagram, there we’ll share some of your creations *(we closed the Facebook group, since we are not active there anymore).*​


Whoops! I just realised the #sculptjanuary2023 gallery was still text based. I switched it to image-based.

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