Sculpt of a veiled woman bust


A very nice sculpt! :ok_hand:
Is it an existing sculpture that you have recreated in Blender, or your own design?

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Its heavily based on this bust by Antonio Corradini.

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Pretty cool

Oh yes indeed, I see. Very nicely done though! :+1:

Congrats !! I’m very impressed, like the original sculptor the sense of the veil in stone, in your case the single material for character and veil, and still conveying the transparency…

Don’t think I phrase it well enough: I think you capture the essence of the original piece, showing impressive skills and sensitivity of your own

I would like to see the mesh of the veil before and after sculpting and you explain the process. I assume the veil starts as a separate object? Wrapped to the surface of the bust?
There is no actual transparency in the veil material, right?

I appreciate the kind words! Its actually just sculpted out of one piece started by making a face and then just sculpting cloth folds over the face, which hurts a little because you have to mess up a nice face sculpt.

. The mesh is insanely dense since I didnt retopo it or anything.

This is the closest version I can find before I started sculpting over the face

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

I have to say that I do like the expression in the girls face better on your than on the original sculpt :slight_smile: Well done!

did you use cloth brushes prehaps? or only draw/sharp brush :thinking:??

Perhaps i just suck with a cloth brush, but when trying to make specific folds it feels clumsy, so I just use draw, sharp, crease and scrape plus a few custom ones.

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