The Sculpt tools flyout only shows 2 icons - both of the same tool. 2.63a
Also, is there a really good tutorial showing basics of sculpting? I can’t get anything to work in a reasonable way and am beginning to wonder if this version has a problem.
Have you loaded a blend from 2.49b (and lower) into 2.63a ?
Each time i do that, the sculpting tools disappear too.
If you’re in the same boat, instead of open the blend from 2.49b (and lower) directly, click on File -> Append and select the blend in the browser, from the menu appearing, click on “Object” and select all the objects there, then “load libraries”.
You may want to delete everything on your scene before appending that blend tough.
Thanks Sanctuary. That didn’t work this time (it did some months ago). So I tried an uninstall / save config files and that didn’t work either, so finally I gave up and totally unistalled Blender, config files and all and reinstalled. Bingo! Sculpt tools are back. If I knew what file carried the problem, I could save a copy of it now while it is fresh and replace it if this occurs again. It has happened before.
I’m very new to blender, and I myself got no Idea how to use the sculpting settings, is there an AddOn I would have to activate in my preference to be able to see the sculpting menu bar, and toolbar? i see them on the tutorial video’s but every time I activate sculpt mode I’m missing all these menu options. I searched blenderwiki but that didn’t help. I would appreciate if anyone could give me instructions on what i have to do to set it up. thank you
ymm1990, be sure you have selected Sculpt Mode from the dropdown that normally says ‘Object Mode’. If you don’t see the tools, try hitting ‘T’. You ought to see something like the attached image when you click on the tool thumbnail. You may have to do what I did, which is to totally uninstall and reinstall the program. Meanwhile, the tools are available in the ‘Brush / Sculpt Tool’ menu at the top (or bottom) of your 3D window (when you are in Sculpt Mode) and the active brush will have a checkmark.