Sculpted Leather Chairs - Honest Feedback Appreciated

Hey all, just looking for feedback on this test render. Is the leather believable? I’m going for photo realism, and I think the leather was too reflective in the raw render, and increasing the contrast was a quick and dirty way to visualize what it would look like with less shine. Which do you prefer? The left or right side of the image? Is there anything that strikes you as off? Also, if anyone has any tips on sculpting leather, let me know.

5000x2160 - Rendered in Cycles (2000 samples)

Hey, it looks pretty good! I agree the higher contrast version looks better. Some crit:

I think the pillows and blanket are letting the image down a bit. They seem to be too bright and without enough graininess.

The sofa seems a bit too squarish. I can see you made efforts to fluff the cushions but I think you need to start the curve closer to the edge, and do it on the undersides of the cushions as well. You may have gone a bit overboard on the wrinkles on the edges of the cushions too. This adds to the effect that the cushions are flat because if they were full of padding, they wouldn’t have so many deep wrinkles.

Your texture seems pretty good though. I think with a bit of re-tooling you could get this close to photo-real. Good luck!

The image is a little too orthographic, its a good concept but there needs to be a little depth even if the orthographic look is what your going for.