Sculpting meshes often gets artifacts when sculpting as the amount of objects in the scene increases

Hello! I have a problem in Blender that whenever I start adding more objects and collections to the scene sometimes the meshes get artifacts when sculpting. I have seem this happen in many previous versions of Blender and the only way I found out how to deal with that is either exporting the mesh (as obj or any other common mesh format) and reimporting it to the scene, or copying and pasting the meshes to a new blender scene. Both solutions are not ideal… as it becomes quite tiresome, specially considering this happens a few times as I’m sculpting a character. This is a bug right? So maybe someone should report this… or teach me how to report this to Blender team :sweat_smile:

But while we still don’t have a proper fix to this bug, I’d love to know a way to fix the meshes without leaving Blender.

This is what my meshes looks like when I use clay strips on them, I realized now all meshes in the scene are getting artifacts when sculpting, both visible and hidden:

If anyone wants to investigate this here is the link for this blender scene:

When I looked at it, the mesh started in Dynotopo, and no artifacts. When I tabbed into edit mode and back your mesh has vertex data so it kicked it out of Dynotopo mode and then I got the artifacating. When I turned Dynotopo back on, it sculpted as normal.

To keep it in dynotopo mode when you switch out of sculpt mode you’ll either have to find and delete the vertex data, turning off dynotopo then remeshing will do that, then turn dyno back on. Just keep in mind that remeshing will join the two meshes of your leg into one, so if there’s a reason there separate, this won’t work, or manually turn it back on every time you leave sculpting mode and come back.

Hello G_De. This is not a Dyntopo issue. I tried remeshing the whole leg objects with only dyntopo + simplify brush to see if I could fix this issue. Unfortunatelly it did not. Using the cray strip brush with dyntopo turned on would make the brush look like it was working fine but obviously that would be a performance nightmare very soon.

Also, remeshing the whole leg object would not remove the artifacts when sculpting the mesh. At least not in my machine.

Just opened your file and without changing anything I saw that Automasking is set to Cavity and View Normal, that’s probably the issue, without any automasking the brushes work fine and there’s no artifacts in the meshes


Thank you! I have never seem this auto-masking menu. I’ll test to verify this myself.

It’s because Cavity is activated