Sculpting the full human body, where do I even begin

I just realized that I could use 3d sculpting in Blender to improve my anatomy anatomy for illustration. Anyone know where I could go to learn a good process/workflow for it? I tried googling but I am too noob to know which tutorial is legit.

Marco Bucci recently made a tutorial on this topic, go check it out:

:slight_smile: I think this might be just what you’re looking for!

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you can watch grassettis video. Yes he uses zbrush but the fundamental is the same


Hi Skyash

I don’t know where you are based. But I think the absolute best way to get a feel and knowledge of human anatomy is simply to work from life. If you can find a clay sculpture class with a live model it’s the best way in you will ever find.

Although sculpture classes with models are not so common and can sometimes not be the cheapest. Life drawing classes with models are far more common and almost as good for developing figurative capacity while working in 3D.
I know it’s not the best of times for something like this right now. But hopefully an idea for the future. It’s not just about learning about skeletons and muscles from a book or video. It’s about the basic life force. Line of action, tension in a pose and character. And the best way I think to get a feel and an instinct about all this is to learn and work from life as much as possible.

There is simply no comparison to working directly from life and finding your own way. I don’t think it gets mentioned enough.

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From what I have figured out, one will have to learn sculpting androids or cyborgs first, and once gets really fluent with the fundamental shapes then will be ready to move on to organic shapes. Which is only a matter of smoothing out the corners.

This is because androids are composed of distinct parts, and clear surfaces, so they are really easy and obvious to notice and understand.

While on the other hand an organic shape such as the human body has no really distinct features, so that it means that you will have to invent your own way of interpreting it’s structure. And this interpretation is reverse engineering, which is another skill by itself for totally different purposes (mostly about exploration and discovery - not doing critical learning).

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